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House Cleaning Segment On Good Morning America Sparks Debate

House Cleaning Segment On Good Morning America Sparks Debate

I was reading through one of my industry forums this morning on Linkedin and I came across a piece that Good Morning America and Readers Digest are doing together.  The Title is 13 Things Your House Cleaner Won’t Tell You.  After watching both the videos and reading the printed text I decided this was a great opportunity to share this information with prospective clients. 

I will say that I absolutely do not agree with some of what is being said here within the articles and video.  I first want to provide the link to the text and video for everyone to see.  I will then follow up over the next several days and post my thoughts on each of the 13 things.  I think some of the information is perfectly stated while other information given in the article is not true and will really depend upon each individual cleaning company, maid service or individual.  If you have any questions call Total Cleaning Plus to get all your answers. 

So here is the link:


I would love to get feedback on this piece!  Please feel free to provide feedback below this article, on our facebook page www.facebook.com/totalcleaningplus or by clicking the link below. 

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