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A house cleaning maintenance routine to control dust mites

A house cleaning maintenance routine to control dust mites

A few days ago, Total Cleaning Plus talked about dust mites and how many health problems they can contribute to. Now that we know we have dust mites in our mattresses, pillows, couches, rugs, etc., what can we do to control the problem?  There is a two-step process that will go a long way towards controlling the dust mites that have invaded our homes. 

The best way to help control dust mites throughout your home is to use dry vapor steam. The high temperature of the steam will help to kill the dust mites on contact. Steam cleaning the areas where dust mites live on a regular basis will help to keep these nasty little creatures under control.  When steam cleaning, you are going to want to make sure you do all the areas of the surface you are cleaning. For example, if you are steam cleaning a bed, you want to do both sides of the mattress, the edges of the mattress and the box spring as well. This will make sure you have done a thorough job of taking care of the dust mite infestation. 

Once you’ve killed the dust mites, you need to remove them from surface you’ve just steamed. The best way to do this is to do a thorough vacuuming. Be sure not to use just any vacuum, though!. Make sure you are using a sealed vacuum with a HEPA filter. If you are not using a sealed vacuum with a HEPA filter, the dust mites will just be circulated right back into the air. This will eliminate any benefit to the indoor air quality in your home.

Why use steam?  Aren’t there other methods to do this job?

With a dry vapor steam cleaner, killing dust mites as well as flees, ticks, lice, parasites, viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew and other unwanted organisms is easy. Very often, steam can eliminate many odors associated with bacteria and other organisms. It is extremely easy and uses zero chemicals. 

Let’s face it; no one wants to sleep in a bed coated with chemicals.  Dry steam vapor is, without question, the safest and most effective way to treat dust mites. 

Trying to control the dust mites in your home is an ongoing battle, but with proper maintenance you’ll soon see how much better your indoor air quality can be. You’ll notice that you are able to breathe easier; your house will smell fresh and clean and will be so much healthier for you and your family. The key to having better indoor air quality is to incorporate steam cleaning into your regular house cleaning routine. The more often you are steam cleaning, the less time dust mites have to build up and begin yet another infestation.

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